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Terry Fox New Investigator Awards

Supporting the next generation of cancer researchers

The Terry Fox New Investigator Award provides research operating grants to support future leaders as they develop their independent careers in cancer research. The award provides a single research grant of up to $450,000 for three years to investigators within the first five years of a first faculty-level appointment in Canada.

2025 New Investigator Awards Competition 

TFRI hosted an open-access webinar to outline the application process for the 2025 New Investigator Awards competition and to answer questions.

You can watch the webinar by clicking the link below.

Watch Webinar   


To support outstanding new researchers as they develop their careers as independent research scientists or clinician scientists. These awards enable recipients to undertake high-quality cancer research with mentorship from two senior investigators.  

Scope of the Program

Support under this Request for Applications (RFA) is targeted at high-quality biomedical, clinical and/or translational research, providing information that may form the basis of innovative cancer prevention, diagnosis and/or treatment. TFRI is looking for outstanding investigators to be mentored by two senior investigators. 

Support Offered

Awards of up to $150,000 per annum are tenable for three years and provide:

  • Research expenses, including research staff, consumables and equipment
  • Travel and accommodation for scientifically justified visits

Key Deadlines and Dates

Stage Dates
Registration of Intent Monday, June 3, 2024 (5:00 pm Pacific Time)
Submission of a Full Application

Wednesday, August 7, 2024 (5:00 pm Pacific Time) 

Note: An extension was granted to all applicants due to the Civic Holiday on August 5.

Peer Review Committee Meeting October/November 2024
Funding Announcement
Mid December 2024
Funding Starts
January 1, 2025

Guidance Provided 

Please refer to the Terry Fox New Investigator Awards Request for Applications (2025), the list of eligible sponsoring programs (2025)* and the Terry Fox New Investigator Application Guide (2025)** for competition details.

*Mentorship by a TFRI-funded research project is no longer a requirement. Applicants may propose mentors who are not part of this list.

**Please note that the application guide and full application template were slightly revised on April 19 to remove outdated wording regarding mentorship.



TFRI is committed to equity, diversity and inclusivity and strives to promote inclusive excellence in its research programs. We welcome eligible applicants of diverse backgrounds to apply for our funding opportunities. 

Although this award is limited to researchers within five years of their first faculty-level appointment, interruptions in work such as parental leave, medical leave, bereavement leave and/or COVID-19 related research delays will be taken into account when determining program eligibility. Please refer to the RFA and application guide for more information.  


Vivian Lee, BSc
Projects Manager and Data Analyst
Terry Fox Research Institute | l'Institut de recherche Terry Fox
675 West 10th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1L3 CANADA
Telephone: 778-652-2586