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We know more about cancer today thanks to the biological, molecular and genomic discoveries, new technologies, tests and treatments made possible with research funding from The Terry Fox Foundation and through the translational work undertaken by TFRI. As a result, we have better ways to detect, diagnose and treat cancer today. This is helping cancer patients to live, to live longer and with a better quality of life.

There are three areas of Terry Fox research funding: the discovery and development of new knowledge and technologies; translating discoveries from the laboratory to the clinic for the benefit of cancer patients; training and supporting the future leaders of cancer research.

  • Cancer Type
  • Cancer Topic
  • Funding Program
  • Location
  • Partner
  • Researcher
  • Blood Cancers
  • Brain Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Cervical Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Endometrial Cancer
  • Gastrointestinal Cancer
  • Head & Neck Cancers
  • Liver Cancer
  • Lung Cancer
  • Melanoma
  • Ovarian Cancer
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Pediatric & Young Adult Cancers
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Rare Cancers
  • Sarcoma
  • Biobanking
  • Cancer Biology
  • Cancer Drugs
  • Cancer Metastasis
  • Cancer Prevention
  • Chemotherapy & Radiation
  • Early Detection & Diagnosis
  • Health Systems Research
  • Immunotherapy
  • New Technologies
  • Precision Medicine
  • Terry Fox New Investigator Awards
  • Terry Fox New Frontiers Program Project Grants
  • Terry Fox Translational Research Program
  • TFRI–MOHCCN Technology Development Awards
  • Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network Pilots
  • Terry Fox Cancer Research Training Program
  • Other Programs
  • Canada Wide
  • Ontario
  • British Columbia
  • Alberta
  • Québec
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Nova Scotia
  • Saskatchewan
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Ajmera Transplant Centre
  • Alberta Cancer Foundation
  • Alberta Health Services
  • Alberta Innovates - Health Solutions
  • Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Institute
  • AstraZeneca Canada
  • Atlantic Cancer Research Institute
  • BC Cancer Foundation
  • BC Cancer Research Institute
  • BC Children's Hospital
  • Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute
  • BioCanRX
  • Brock University
  • Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre
  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research
  • Canadian Partnership Against Cancer
  • CancerCare Manitoba
  • Capital Health
  • Centre de recherche de Centre hospitalier de L’Université de Montréal
  • Centre de Recherche Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont
  • Centre for Drug Research and Development
  • Centre Hospitalier de L’Université de Montréal
  • Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute
  • CHU - Quebec
  • CHU - Sainte-Justine
  • Cross Cancer Institute
  • CSSS Champlain—Charles-Le Moyne
  • Dalhousie University
  • Department of Industry, Energy and Technology, Govt. of Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre
  • Eastern Health
  • Gairdner Foundation
  • Genome BC
  • Genome Canada
  • Health Canada
  • Hoffmann-LaRoche Limited
  • Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal
  • Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont
  • Horizon Health Network
  • Hôtel-Dieu de Québec
  • Imagia
  • Innovation, Science and Economic Development
  • Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de Pneumologie de Québec
  • Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer
  • IWK Health Centre
  • Jewish General Hospital
  • Juravinski Cancer Centre
  • London Health Sciences Centre
  • Lotte & John Hecht Memorial Foundation
  • Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
  • McGill Cancer Centre
  • McGill University
  • McGill University Health Centre
  • McMaster University
  • Memorial University of Newfoundland
  • MITACS Canada
  • Montreal Children's Hospital
  • Montreal Clinical Research Institute (Institut de recherches clinique de Montréal)
  • Mount Sinai Hospital
  • National Science Council (NSC)
  • New Brunswick Cancer Network
  • New Brunswick Health Research Foundation
  • New Brunswick Innovation Foundation
  • Nova Scotia Health
  • Oncopole
  • Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
  • Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
  • Pancreatic Cancer Canada
  • Pfizer Canada
  • Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
  • QEII Foundation
  • Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation
  • Queen's University
  • Research Manitoba
  • Research Nova Scotia
  • Rosalind & Morris Goodman Cancer Institute
  • Ryerson University
  • Saint John Regional Hospital
  • Saskatchewan Cancer Agency
  • Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation
  • Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University
  • Simon Fraser University
  • Sinai Health
  • St. Mary’s Hospital Center
  • St. Paul's Hospital
  • Stollery Children's Hospital
  • Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
  • Sunnybrook Research Institute
  • Team Finn Foundation
  • The C17 Council
  • The Cole Foundation
  • The Hospital for Sick Children
  • The Terry Fox Foundation
  • Tom Baker Cancer Centre
  • Toronto General Hospital Research Institute
  • Université de Montreal
  • Université de Sherbrooke
  • Université Laval
  • Université Sherbrooke
  • University Health Network
  • University of Alberta
  • University of British Columbia
  • University of Calgary
  • University of Guelph
  • University of Manitoba
  • University of New Brunswick
  • University of Ottawa
  • University of Prince Edward Island
  • University of Saskatchewan
  • University of Toronto
  • University of Victoria
  • University of Victoria Genome BC Proteomics Centre
  • University of Waterloo
  • Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
  • Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute
  • Vancouver General Hospital
  • Vancouver Island University
  • Vancouver Prostate Centre
  • Vitalité Health Network
  • Women's College Hospital
  • York University
  • Aaron Hansen
  • Adam Shlien
  • Adrian Thorogood
  • Alain Piché
  • Alain Tremblay
  • Alan So
  • Alejandro Berlin
  • Alex Kiss
  • Alexander Wyatt
  • Alexandre Bouchard-Côté
  • Ali Bashashati
  • Ali Sadeghi-Naini
  • Aline Talhouk
  • Alli Murugesan
  • Aly Karsan
  • Amina Zoubeidi
  • Amit Oza
  • Anastasia Tikhonova
  • Andras Nagy
  • André Veillette
  • Andrea Doria
  • Andrea McCart
  • Andreea Schmitzer
  • Andrew Roth
  • Andrew Weng
  • Anna Goldenberg
  • Anna Tinker
  • Anne-Claude Gingras
  • Annette McWilliams
  • Anthony Fyles
  • Anthony Pawson
  • Antoine Eskander
  • Antony Hodgson
  • Arnim Pause
  • Artem Cherkasov
  • Ashley Girgis
  • Avram Denburg
  • Barbara Vanderhyden
  • Bartha Knoppers
  • Benjamin H. Lok
  • Benjamin Haibe-Kains
  • Benjamin Neel
  • Benoit Samson
  • Bernard Lesperance
  • Bertrand Routy
  • Blake Gilks
  • Brad Nelson
  • Bradly Wouters
  • Brent Schacter
  • Brian Lichty
  • Brian Wilhelm
  • Brian Wilson
  • Byram Bridle
  • Calum MacAulay
  • Carl Brown
  • Carl Hansen
  • Carol Chiang
  • Carolyn Chisholm
  • Catherine O'Brien
  • Catherine Poh
  • Cathie Garnis
  • Christian Beauséjour
  • Christian Steidl
  • Christine Demore
  • Christopher Maxwell
  • Christopher Ong
  • Christopher Paige
  • Christopher Rudd
  • Claude Perreault
  • Colin Collins
  • Colleen Bailey
  • Connie Eaves
  • Courtney Jones
  • Daina Avizonis
  • Daniel de Carvalho
  • Daniel Gaston
  • Daniel Renouf
  • Daniel Schramek
  • Daniel Sinnett
  • Darrel Drachenberg
  • Darrell Fox
  • David Brooks
  • David Cescon
  • David Goertz
  • David Goodlett
  • David Hedley
  • David Huntsman
  • David Jaffray
  • David Kaplan
  • David Knapp
  • David Lim
  • David Malkin
  • David Schaeffer
  • David Scott
  • David Stojdl
  • Dawn Cochrane
  • Deborah Anderson
  • Diane Provencher
  • Dimcho Bachvarov
  • Don Sin
  • Donna Hogge
  • Donna Reece
  • Donna Senger
  • Dr. Chris Paige
  • Dr. Jean-Yves Masson
  • Dr. John Bell
  • Dr. Linda Penn
  • Dr. Marco Marra
  • Dr. Marla Shapiro
  • Dr. Michael Johnston
  • Dr. Robert Rottapel
  • Dr. Spencer Gibson
  • Dr. Stephen Robbins
  • Dr. Victor Ling
  • Eitan Prisman
  • Eldad Zacksenhaus
  • Emma Guns
  • Erin Jackson
  • Eve St. Hilaire
  • Francis Rodier
  • François Benard
  • François Mercier
  • Francois TH Yu
  • Frank Sicheri
  • Fred Saad
  • Frédérick Mallette
  • Gang Zheng
  • Garth Nicholas
  • Gary Bader
  • Gelareh Zadeh
  • Geoffrey Liu
  • George Zogopoulos
  • Gerald Batist
  • Gerardo Ferbeyre
  • Gerry Johnston
  • Gordon Schwark
  • Graham Slack
  • Gregg Morin
  • Gregory Cairncross
  • Gregory Czarnota
  • Gregory Stanisz
  • Guila Delouya
  • Guillaume Bourque
  • Guy Sauvageau
  • Guy Ungerechts
  • Hadi Seikaly
  • Haili Wang
  • Hal Berman
  • Hao Ding
  • Hartland Jackson
  • Heidi Roberts
  • Helen Chan
  • Helen Steed
  • Hon S. Leong
  • Housheng Hansen He
  • Iacovos Michael
  • Ian Watson
  • Isabel Serrano
  • Isabelle Bairati
  • Ivan Topisirovic
  • Janessa Laskin
  • Janet Dancey
  • Janet Rossant
  • Jason Berman
  • Jason Moffat
  • Jeanette Boudreau
  • Jean-Sebastien Delisle
  • Jean-Simon Diallo
  • Jeff Wrana
  • Jeffrey Hoch
  • Jennifer Chan
  • Jeremy Squire
  • Jessica McAlpine
  • Jessie Micholuk
  • Jim Woodgett
  • Joanna Przybyl
  • John Babcock
  • John Bell
  • John Dick
  • John Goffin
  • John Kelly
  • John Mayo
  • John Shepherd
  • John Stagg
  • John Thoms
  • John Yee
  • John Yoo
  • Jonathan Bramson
  • Jonathan Irish
  • Jonathan Sussman
  • Josée Hébert
  • Joseph Connors
  • Joseph Dort
  • Juan Carlos Zúñiga-Pflücker
  • Julian Lum
  • Julie St-Pierre
  • Jüri Reimand
  • Kaitlin Hong Tai
  • Kalpana Kalyanasundaram Bhanumathy
  • Kara Laing
  • Karen Mossman
  • Kathrin Tyryshkin
  • Kathy Brodeur-Robb
  • Kathy Han
  • Keith Humphries
  • Kelly Curwin
  • Kelly McNagny
  • Kevin Bennewith
  • Kevin Higgins
  • Kim Chi
  • Kitty Corbett
  • Kullervo Hynynen
  • Kurosh Rahimi
  • Kyle Duncan
  • Lambert Busque
  • Laura Evgin
  • Laura Trinkle-Mulcahy
  • Laurence Klotz
  • Lawrence Kazak
  • Lesley Seymour
  • Lien Hoang
  • Liliana Attisano
  • Lillian Siu
  • Linda Penn
  • Livia Garzia
  • Lois Mulligan
  • Lorien Lantomasi
  • Louis Lacombe
  • Lucas Mendez
  • Lucas Sideris
  • Lucia Nappi
  • Luke McCaffrey
  • Ly Vu
  • Lynn Dwernychuk
  • Lynne-Marie Postovit
  • Madhuri Koti
  • Mads Daugaard
  • Mamatha Bhat
  • Marcus Butler
  • Margaret Fitch
  • Marianne Koritzinsky
  • Marie-Hélène Mayrand
  • Marina Lefilliatre
  • Mark Minden
  • Mark Natchigal
  • Martin Gleave
  • Martin Hirst
  • Martin Koebel
  • Martin Tammemagi
  • Mary Kelly
  • Mathieu Latour
  • Mathieu Lupien
  • Matthew Cheung
  • Meaghan O'Reilly
  • Meredith Giuliani
  • Michael Brauer
  • Michael Cox
  • Michael D. Taylor
  • Michael Johnston
  • Michael Kolios
  • Michael Kolios
  • Michael Mazza
  • Michael Milosevic
  • Michael Moran
  • Michael Pollak
  • Michelle Honsberger
  • Ming-Sound Tsao
  • Miriam Rosin
  • Morag Park
  • Nada Jabado
  • Nahum Sonenberg
  • Naoto Hirano
  • Natalie Szudy
  • Natasha Leighl
  • Nathan Lack
  • Naveena Singh
  • Neesha Dhani
  • Neil Fleshner
  • Neil M. Renwick
  • Nizar Bahlis
  • Norman Iscove
  • Oliver Bathe
  • Pamela Goodwin
  • Pamela Ohashi
  • Patricia Shaw
  • Patricia Tang
  • Patricia Tonin
  • Patrick Lee
  • Patrick Parfrey
  • Paul Boutros
  • Paul Karanicolas
  • Paul Kerr
  • Paul Rennie
  • Peter Chow-White
  • Peter Dirks
  • Peter Mothe
  • Peter Siegel
  • Peter Stirling
  • Peter Watson
  • Phedias Diamandis
  • Pierre Karakiewicz
  • Poul Sorensen
  • Rafael Meza
  • Ralph Buttyan
  • Ralph DaCosta
  • Rama Khokha
  • Randy Gascoyne
  • Rayjean Hung
  • Rebecca Auer
  • Réjean Lapointe
  • Renelle Myers
  • Richard Dalfen
  • Richard Hill
  • Rick Bhatia
  • Rima Al-Awar
  • Rob Holt
  • Robert Bristow
  • Robert Hart
  • Robert Kridel
  • Robert Rottapel
  • Robert Weersink
  • Robin Urquhart
  • Rod Rassekh
  • Rodger Tiedemann
  • Ronald Burkes
  • Roseline Godbout
  • Russell Greiner
  • Russell Jones
  • Russell Watkins
  • Ryan Brinkman
  • Ryan Morin
  • Sachedev Sidhu
  • Sachin Katyal
  • Samuel Aparicio
  • Samuel Weiss
  • Saravanan Nandagopal
  • Sarit Assouline
  • Scott Durham
  • Sean Egan
  • Seth Parker
  • Shabbir Alibhai
  • Shane Harding
  • Sharlene Gill
  • Sheela Abraham
  • Sheila Drover
  • Sheila Singh
  • Sherri Christian
  • Shoukat Dedhar
  • Sidney E. Croul
  • Sidney Fels
  • Simon Martel
  • Simon Sutcliffe
  • Simon Turcotte
  • Simone Chevalier
  • Sohrab Shah
  • Sonia Cellot
  • Sonya Cressman
  • Spencer Gibson
  • Stéphanie Lheureux
  • Stephen Couban
  • Stephen Lam
  • Stephen M. Lewis
  • Stephen Yip
  • Steven Gallinger
  • Steven Jones
  • Stuart Foster
  • Stuart Peacock
  • Suchitra Natarajan
  • Sumit Gupta
  • Susan Quaggin
  • Sushant Kumar
  • Suzanne Trudel
  • T. Michael Underhill
  • Taha Azad
  • Tak Wah Mak
  • Thomas Gervais
  • Thomas Kislinger
  • Tia Zhang
  • Tom Belbin
  • Tomas Hudlicky
  • Tommy Alain
  • Tony Panzarella
  • Torsten Nielsen
  • Tracy McGaha
  • Trevor Drummer
  • Trevor Dummer
  • Trevor Pugh
  • Trevor Shepherd
  • Ur Metser
  • Uri Tabori
  • V Gaelle Roullin
  • Véronique LeBlanc
  • Vincent Giguère
  • Vivian Lee
  • Walter Gotlieb
  • Wan Lam
  • Warren Mason
  • Wendy Freeman
  • William Foulkes
  • William Lockwood
  • William Muller
  • Wilson Miller
  • Yonghong Wan
  • Yoo-Joung Ko
  • Yuzhuo Wang
  • Blood Cancers

    Optimizing CAR T-cell therapy for the treatment of extranodal lymphoma

    Immunotherapies, including CAR T-cell therapy, are highly promising new cancer treatments harnessing the body’s own immune system to fight cancer. “There's so much excitement around CAR T-...

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  • Blood Cancers

    Harnessing the immune system to improve treatment outcomes in high-risk leukemia

    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a type of cancer that develops in the bone marrow and invades the blood. Because it is acute, it progresses rapidly and can be fatal within months if not treated....

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  • All Cancers

    Integrative computational framework for precision cancer prevention and early detection

    With the aging world population, poor lifestyle choices (obesity, tobacco, alcohol) and environmental factors (air pollution), Dr. Sushant Kumar, a scientist at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, be...

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  • Sarcoma

    Development of multi-omic and multi-modal liquid biopsy assays for osteosarcoma

    Osteosarcoma is the cancer that Canadian hero Terry Fox was diagnosed with when he was just 18. The most common type of bone cancer in young adults, it is characterized by tumours that usually appear ...

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  • Breast Cancer

    Understanding, supporting and improving outcomes for women with invasive lobular breast carcinoma: a pan-Canadian prospective cohort study

    Invasive lobular breast carcinoma (ILC) is an increasingly common cancer that accounts for about 10 to 15 per cent of invasive breast cancers. While breast cancer is recognized as the most common canc...

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  • Prostate Cancer

    Micro-ultrasound technology in prostate radiotherapy – seeking macro-advances through visualization of the micro

    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer affecting Canadian men, and while there have been significant advances in the treatment of this disease, it’s difficult for patients to access the best ...

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  • Blood Cancers

    Bone-sourced acute myeloid leukemia extracellular vesicles contribute to disease progression

    How does the microenvironment affect how acute myeloid leukemia develops, and what new and improved therapies will help us to target it? A Queen’s University investigator aims to answer these qu...

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  • Multiple Cancers

    Preventing chemotherapy resistance by killing senescent cells

    In the boxing ring, it’s common to see fighters throw multiple punches in sequence. This is called a combination, and it is often more effective than a single blow. Take the one-two combo, for ...

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  • Multiple Cancers

    The spatial metabolome hubble project to decipher tumour-driven immunosuppression (MetaboHUB)

    What do a telescope capturing detailed pictures of space and a newly funded team of cancer researchers leading an innovative project on metabolites and our immune system have in common?   ...

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  • Multiple Cancers

    Neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) of the lung, prostate and pancreas

    Sunnybrook Research Institute scientist Dr. Hon Leong says celebrities like Steve Jobs and Aretha Franklin, both diagnosed with rare neuroendocrine tumours, would have been among those to benefit from...

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  • Lung Cancer

    The environment and lung cancer

    In 2022, an estimated 30,000 people were diagnosed with lung cancer in Canada, making it the most diagnosed cancer in the country. It was also responsible for one in four cancer-related deaths, makin...

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  • Head & Neck Cancers

    Advanced virtual surgical planning and intraoperative tools for enhancing patient‐specific surgical care for oral cancers

    Approximately 5,000 Canadians are diagnosed with oral cancer each year. Many of these patients undergo aggressive surgeries to remove their tumours, which can result in significant impacts on their qu...

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  • Blood Cancers

    Understanding the cellular mechanisms of age associated clonal hematopoiesis

    As we age, cells in the blood-forming system of our bodies begin to accumulate mutations. These mutations aren’t all dangerous, but researchers have found that around 10 per cent of people aged ...

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  • Pediatric & Young Adult Cancers

    Developing novel oncolytic viruses as therapeutic tools for pediatric brain tumours

    Malignant brain tumours are the leading cause of cancer death in children. Amongst these, pediatric high-grade gliomas (HGGs) – a group of cancers that include glioblastoma multiforme, anaplasti...

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  • Lung Cancer

    Combining diet and short chain fatty acids to modulate the gut microbiota and increase cancer immunotherapy response

    “When immunotherapy emerged a decade ago, we thought it would revolutionize lung cancer treatment,” recalls Dr. Bertrand Routy, a Montreal-based immuno-oncologist whose work focuses on non...

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  • Blood Cancers

    The contribution of metabolism to therapy resistance and relapse

    Imagine you spot a weed growing in your favourite flower bed. Annoyed, you take a pair of sheers and chop it off. For days, you feel great. The weed seems to be gone and your flower bed looks amazing....

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  • Prostate Cancer

    Radiotherapy-induced dynamic heterogeneity in the tumour microenvironment is a therapeutic target

    Radiotherapy has been a main pillar of cancer treatment for over a century. Even today, half of all people diagnosed with cancer receive radiation therapy at some point of their cancer journey. But de...

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  • Multiple Cancers

    Ultrasound and MRI for Cancer Therapy - III

    A team of pioneering cancer researchers in Toronto is looking to harness the power of ultrasound technology to personalize and improve cancer treatments thanks to renewal funding from the Terry Fox Re...

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  • Breast Cancer

    Mammary OMICs: Intercepting Breast Cancer Early to Improve Outcomes

    A new partnership between the Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) will enable a team of multidisciplinary researchers to cover much needed ground ...

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  • Prostate Cancer

    Targeting Tumour Plasticity in Advanced Prostate Cancer

    Nearly 20% of advanced prostate cancer patients relapse on potent androgen receptor (AR) targeted therapies with a highly aggressive disease called treatment induced neuroendocrine prostate cancer (NE...

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  • Blood Cancers

    Modeling lymphoma evolution and clinical trajectory using multiomics

    It’s their fifth cycle of funding for researchers at the BC Cancer Centre for Lymphoid Cancer who are part of the renewal of a coveted Terry Fox New Frontiers Program Projects Grant, following t...

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  • Endometrial Cancer

    Precision Oncology for Endometrial Carcinoma Patients

    Molecular testing has allowed researchers to understand that not all cancers are the same—even if they grow in the same part of the body or look similar under a microscope. This is the case with...

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  • Blood Cancers

    Uncovering the role of long noncoding RNAs in myeloid leukemia

    A 2022 Terry Fox New Investigator Award will help a BC scientist search for new therapeutic targets for leukemia in a poorly understood area of science: the non-coding regions of the genome. Dr. Ly Vu...

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  • Breast Cancer

    Characterization and treatment response of Hippo pathway regulated tumour microenvironments

    To grow, cancers overcome a series of biological mechanisms that control our normal cell functions. The “Hippo” pathway is one of these mechanisms. When it’s working correctly, it en...

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  • Liver Cancer

    Optimizing Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma via Image-guided Porphysome delivery

    An early-career clinician-scientist in Toronto is hoping to turn the tide on a deadly form of liver cancer with new funding from the Terry Fox Research Institute. Liver transplant specialist and clini...

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  • Breast Cancer

    Targeting host energy metabolism to combat cancer

    A Montreal-based researcher at McGill University is hoping to shed new light on potential links between obesity and liver metastases thanks to new funding from the Terry Fox Research Institute. Dr. La...

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  • Multiple Cancers

    Determinants of stemness that underlie high risk or relapse disease

    There’s an analogy that Dr. John Dick likes to use to describe cancer. For him, cancer is like a weed, with the tumour being the leafy part that sits above ground. The roots, on the other hand, ...

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  • Multiple Cancers

    Targeting the Hippo Signaling Network in Cancer

    In order to grow, cancers must overcome a series of mechanisms that control the normal functioning of our cells. One such mechanism is known as the “Hippo” pathway. “The main job of ...

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  • Pediatric & Young Adult Cancers

    Access to precision therapies for young people with cancer: From genomic innovation to health system implementation

    In recent years, new technologies have enabled researchers to gain a clearer understanding of the genetic mutations that cause cancer in each individual. These discoveries are ushering in a new era in...

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  • Head & Neck Cancers

    Symptom Burden as a Predictor of Emergency Room Visits and Unplanned Hospitalizations in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer

    A Toronto-based surgeon-scientist will use a recently granted Terry Fox New Investigator Award to study how symptoms associated with current therapies affect the lives of patients with head and neck c...

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  • Brain Cancer

    Deciphering recurrence of glioblastoma for precision medicine using multi-omics data integration

    A Toronto-based researcher will use integrative machine learning strategies try to turn the tide on a deadly brain cancer thanks to new funding provided by the Terry Fox New Investigator Award. Dr. J&...

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  • Brain Cancer

    Deciphering the therapy-driven molecular evolution of glioblastoma stem cells

    If you were to look inside a tumour, you’d notice that not all its cells are the same. In fact, over the past decade researchers have found that tumours contain several types of cells, each with...

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  • Multiple Cancers

    Triggers and Targets in the Tumour Microenvironment: Hypoxia and Beyond

    A leading team of scientists at Toronto’s Princess Margaret Cancer Centre is set to expand its groundbreaking research into the effects of low oxygen levels (hypoxia) on tumour aggressiveness th...

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  • Multiple Cancers

    Targeting Metabolic Vulnerabilities in Cancer

    What is the best way to starve cancer cells? What role does obesity play in metastatic breast cancer and how does it affect the tumour microenvironment? Might combining a chemotherapeutic agent with a...

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  • Pediatric & Young Adult Cancers

    Early detection and prevention of cancer in Li-Fraumeni Syndrome

    A team of Toronto- and Halifax-based scientists has received renewed funding from the Terry Fox Research Institute to continue its groundbreaking research into Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS)—a rare ...

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  • Rare Cancers

    New vistas on cancer biology and treatment: conceptual advancements from the forme fruste project

    A team of Vancouver-based scientists is set to continue its groundbreaking research into rare tumours after receiving renewal funding from the Terry Fox Research Institute. The team led by Dr. David H...

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  • Pancreatic Cancer

    Enhanced pancreatic cancer profiling for individualized care (EPPIC)

    Canadian pancreatic cancer researchers are joining forces under a Terry Fox initiative bringing new hope for patients with this deadly disease. “For many years it’s been hopeless from a pa...

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  • All Cancers

    STARS21: Strategic training in transdisciplinary radiation science for the 21st century

    Today, radiation is used to diagnose and treat many medical conditions, including most cancers. This radiation, which can take several forms, plays a role in everything from imaging to therapy, and is...

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  • All Cancers

    Canadian Oncolytic Virus Consortium (COVCo)

    In a perfect world, there would be no cancer. And if there were, patients would be able to stimulate their own immune system to destroy tumours with a virus designed to kill only cancerous cells and l...

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  • Blood Cancers

    Exploiting pathogenic mechanisms in acute leukemia for clinical translation

    A longstanding Terry Fox-funded project on hard-to-treat leukemias has been renewed, and the new injection of funds – $6.3 million over five years – will help to furthe...

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  • Multiple Cancers

    Porphysome nanoparticle-enabled image-guided cancer interventions

    Renewal funding from the Terry Fox Research Institute will enable a Toronto-based research group to change the cancer imaging landscape by preventing overtreatment and, consequently, decreasing the ne...

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  • Blood Cancers

    Multiple myeloma molecular monitoring (M4) cohort study

    When Dr. Tony Reiman is looking for inspiration for his TFRI-funded project on multiple myeloma, he thinks of patients he’s lost to the deadly, incurable cancer that affect the blood and bone ma...

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  • Lung Cancer

    Early detection of lung cancer

    Why are non-smokers with little exposure to second-hand smoke diagnosed with the disease while others are not? Why do some heavy smokers never develop lung cancer, while other lighter smokers do? Thes...

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  • Ovarian Cancer

    Immunotherapy network (iTNT): targeting ovarian cancer

    Both around the world and in Canada, teams of researchers are working hard to harness the power of a patient’s own immune system to eradicate cancer through immunotherapy. Hailed now as the four...

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  • Prostate Cancer

    Targeting the adaptive molecular landscape in castrate-resistant prostate cancer

    TFRI’s Vancouver-based prostate cancer progression team is primed and ready to continue its world-class research on advanced, drug-resistant tumours after receiving a five-year renewal of Terry ...

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  • Pediatric & Young Adult Cancers

    Precision oncology for young people (PROFYLE)

    For the first time in Canadian history, more than 30 pediatric cancer research and funding organizations have joined forces through Terry Fox PROFYLE, a pan-Canadian project to give children, adolesce...

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  • All Cancers

    Canadian Tissue Repository Network (CTRNet)

    To do their jobs, cancer researchers need to be able to access high-quality tumour samples. These samples allow them to test new drugs, observe similarities and differences between tumours and learn m...

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  • All Cancers

    Clinician-scientists in molecular oncologic pathology

    Over the last decade there has been exponential growth in our understanding of the molecular basis of cancer. This is being driven by technical advances across a broad range of disciplines, including ...

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  • All Cancers

    Cancer Research Training Program in Atlantic Canada

    Providing high-quality training and opportunities to promising new scientists across Canada is critical to ensure continued leadership and advancement in cancer research. It is also necessary to make ...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Prairie Cancer Research Consortium Pilot for the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network

    Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI)’s overall vision is to create the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres as a national network that will embed research in the cancer clinic, uniting the top-tier ca...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Atlantic Cancer Consortium Pilot for the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network

    With a commitment to work together and $3.6 million in new funding from provincial and national partners, doctors and scientists at leading cancer centres, hospitals and research in Nova Scotia, New B...

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  • Completed
    Pediatric & Young Adult Cancers

    Measuring and targeting symptom burden among adolescents and young adults with cancer: A population-based study using routinely collected patient reported outcomes

    How does cancer affect adolescents and young adults with cancer? What kind of side effects do they experience from treatment and how do these symptoms affect their outcome? These are just some of the ...

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  • Completed
    Ovarian Cancer

    Natural killer cells: new weapons in the iTNT cache for ovarian cancer immunotherapy

    How can immunotherapy for one of the deadliest types of ovarian cancer be made more efficient and effective for patients? Dr. Jeanette Boudreau, a newly funded Terry Fox New Investigator awardee at D...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Deciphering metastasis maintenance events in adolescents and young adults' sarcoma

    As Terry Fox approached the city of Thunder Bay in Ontario on Sept. 1, 1980, a strange pain took hold of his chest. The 22-year-old had been coughing for days, but it wasn’t until the pain made ...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Bubble-mediated therapy for metastatic disease in the spinal cord

    A Toronto-based researcher is hoping to turn the tide on a deadly late-stage cancer complication thanks to a recently won TFRI New Investigator award. Dr. Meaghan O’Reilly, an ultrasound scient...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Montreal Cancer Consortium Pilot for the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres

    Leading researchers, cancer centres and hospitals in Montreal have partnered with The Terry Fox Research Institute to generate new advances in personalized and precision medicine and improve treatment...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Ultrasound and MRI for cancer therapy

    A research team based out of Toronto’s Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre is on track to begin trials on the use of ultrasound-stimulated microbubbles in breast cancer patients thanks to new...

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  • Completed
    Blood Cancers

    Dissecting biological heterogeneity in follicular lymphoma into clinically relevant molecular subtypes

    One of the most frustrating parts of Dr. Robert Kridel’s work is not being able to tell patients diagnosed with follicular lymphoma if they will respond well to treatment or not – a realit...

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  • Completed
    Brain Cancer

    Targeting resistant glioblastoma multiforme (rGBM) through suppression of overactive DNA repair activity

    DNA repair biologist Dr. Sachin Katyal has been awarded Manitoba’s first TFRI New Investigator Award for his quick-to-clinic personalized medicine approach to better treat patients with the incu...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Functionalizing SWI/SNF chromatin remodeller mutations in rare and common tumours

    Cancer is a disease driven by mutations in normal DNA, and a newly funded TFRI researcher is working to better understand a type of gene mutation that affects around 40,000 Canadians with both rare an...

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  • Completed
    Pediatric & Young Adult Cancers

    Single cell dissection and non-invasive monitoring of childhood cancer and immune systems during treatment

    How do different pediatric tumours respond to immunotherapy? That’s the primary question a newly funded TFRI investigator seeks to answer. Using immunotherapy to destroy cancer cells is an exci...

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  • Completed
    Prostate Cancer

    Understanding the function of circular RNA in tumour hypoxia

    A newly funded TFRI researcher at Toronto’s Princess Margaret Cancer Centre is building on existing hypoxia research to discover new ways to kill some of the most aggressive and treatment-resist...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Deciphering the oncogenic properties of cancer-associated IDH1/2 mutations

    TFRI New Investigator Dr. Frédérick Mallette is breaking new ground in his efforts to characterize metabolic defects associated with brain cancer and leukemia, paving the way for new app...

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  • Completed
    Blood Cancers

    Overcoming treatment failure in lymphoid cancers

    TFRI’s prolific lymphoid cancer team began their research with a simple question: “Why do two-thirds of lymphoma patients recover, while the remainder does not?” A decade later their...

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  • Completed
    Colorectal Cancer

    Targeting the hippo signaling network in cancer - 1

    In order for cancer to grow inside our bodies, it must overcome a series of control mechanisms that are important for tissue growth. One mechanism which is responsible for body organ size is aptly cal...

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  • Completed
    Breast Cancer

    New era of precision medicine in triple-negative breast cancer

    Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) persists as a deadly form of breast cancer today that lacks effective therapies. Now, a newly formed and funded Terry Fox Research Institute team hopes to employ a...

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  • Completed
    Brain Cancer

    Targeting clonal heterogeneity in treatment-refractory glioblastoma with novel and empiric immunotherapies

    A newly funded TFRI “dream team” plans to tackle the most lethal and aggressive brain tumour that occurs in adults by focusing not on the original tumour, but on the relapsed cancer. &ldqu...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    BC Cancer-Princess Margaret Pilot for the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres

    In February of 2017, the Terry Fox Research Institute and two leading cancer centres in Canada – the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto and BC Cancer in Vancouver –&...

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  • Completed
    Lung Cancer

    Assessing the effect of radiation from screening low dose CT scans on lung cancer development and progression

    It has been shown that regular screening of patients at high-risk for developing lung cancer reduces their chance of dying from it by up to 20 per cent. But is there a drawback to screening? Does low-...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Next generation cancer immunovirotherapy: heterologous oncolytic prime-boost enhanced with selected immunomodulators

    What if there was a way to destroy cancer cells and stimulate a patient’s own immune system to attack tumours, while leaving healthy tissues unharmed? The Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI) has...

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  • Completed
    Pancreatic Cancer

    Investigating radiation response of pancreatic tumours, their vasculature and microenvironment using in vivo imaging to identify new treatment strategies

    While survival rates for many cancers have improved over the last decade, cure rates for some forms of the disease – such as pancreatic cancer – remain as low as just two to three per cent...

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  • Completed
    Pediatric & Young Adult Cancers

    Li-Fraumeni syndrome: applying genetic determinants of cancer risk to cancer surveillance and prevention

    What would you do if you were diagnosed with a rare disease in which patients have an almost 100 per cent chance of developing cancer in their lifetime – in any part of the body and at any age -...

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  • Completed
    All Cancers

    Discovery and therapeutic development of antibody-based targets in oncology

    Many chemotherapeutic drugs used to treat cancer result in tremendous toxicities for patients that can have many negative side effects - including some that are long-lasting - without ever actually cu...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Development of stemness-based prognostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets

    There is an analogy senior scientist Dr. John Dick uses when explaining his TFRI-funded cancer stem cell (CSC) research. He compares cancer to a weed that has a separate root to the stem, branches and...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Oncometabolism and the molecular pathways that fuel cancer

    Cancer cells flourish in our bodies by overcoming significant internal and external stresses and constantly adapting to new environments. Armed with new funding from the Terry Fox Research Institute a...

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  • Completed

    Development of cutting-edge biotherapies for the treatment of bone cancers

    Viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle has developed an innovative new way to treat osteosarcoma, the same type of bone cancer that took Terry Fox’s life – and next year will start canine cli...

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  • Completed
    Prostate Cancer

    The role of the CD73-adenosinergic pathway in prostate cancer

    New investigator Dr. John Stagg’s recent breakthrough in immunotherapy, or stimulating a patient’s own immune system to destroy tumour cells, could lead to a “promising” new tr...

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  • Completed
    Blood Cancers

    Transcriptional and epigenetic consequences of MLL-AF9 translocations

    Dr. Brian Wilhelm’s lab is working on a “huge genetic puzzle” to determine which genes cause children to develop acute myeloid leukemia (AML).  “We’ve identified a s...

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  • Completed
    Blood Cancers

    Exploring clonal evolution in non-Hodgkin lymphomas using serial tumour sampling and liquid biopsies

    Working at the BC Genome Sciences Centre a decade ago, Dr. Ryan Morin didn’t intend to become a cancer researcher. Yet today, following the path he began as a graduate student, he is using his e...

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  • Completed
    Blood Cancers

    Deciphering the role of chromatin demethylases in high risk pediatric acute myeloid leukemia

    Despite rapid advances in treatment for some forms of pediatric leukemia, only around 60 per cent of children diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) survive - a grim statistic that is motivating ...

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  • Completed
    Blood Cancers

    Epigenetic basis of acute myeloid leukemia

    Vitamin C may be best known for its role in preventing the common cold, but Dr. Martin Hirst’s research suggests it may also reverse abnormal and potentially cancer causing changes to the epigen...

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  • Completed
    Breast Cancer

    Oncometabolism in poor outcome breast cancer

    Eliminating metastatic breast cancer is the aim of a Quebec-based TFRI-funded project led by Dr. William Muller and colleagues at McGill University in Montreal. Around nine out of 10 breast cancer dea...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Ultrasound and MRI for cancer therapy - I

    What if an ultrasound could detect if a patient’s cancer treatment was working after just one week of therapy? Using quantitative ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Dr. Gregory Cza...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Killing the hydra: genetic dissection of actionable targets required for maintenance of metastatic disease

    Even senior scientists can be surprised by new data - something Dr. Sean Egan experienced when he found out that breast cancer metastasis can be very different from their original primary tumour. Dr...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Research pipeline for hypoxia-directed precision cancer medicine

    A new approach for a long-time funded Terry Fox research program has leaders of the initiative excited about personalizing treatment for cancer patients by bringing together two areas of study: genomi...

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  • Completed
    Colorectal Cancer

    Pan-Canadian colorectal cancer consortium (C4)

    Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in Canada, with about one in every 14 people likely to develop the disease. TFRI’s Pan-Canadian Colorectal Cancer Consortium (C4) is...

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  • Completed
    Ovarian Cancer

    Understanding the impact of cancer cell fate decisions during ovarian cancer treatment

    Dr. Francis Rodier, an associate professor of molecular and cell biology at the department of radiology, radio-oncology and nuclear medicine at the University of Montreal, is studying how ovarian canc...

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  • Completed
    Colorectal Cancer

    Understanding cancer stem cell heterogeneity and dynamics: implications for therapy in human colorectal cancer

    Dr. Catherine O’Brien is a scientist with the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research and a general surgeon with the University Health Network. She is studying colorectal cancer at the level of si...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Systems biology of tumour hypoxia

    Dr. Paul Boutros is a computational biologist and principal investigator with the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research. Using his mathematical expertise, Dr. Boutros will take a computational approac...

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  • Completed
    Rare Cancers

    Genomics of forme fruste tumours: new vistas on cancer biology and treatment

    Studying “rare and unusual” forme fruste tumours may not seem like the most obvious way to advance cancer research, but pathologist Dr. David Huntsman’s work is revolutionizing the w...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Nanoparticle enhanced photoacoustic imaging for cancer localization and therapeutic guidance

    When you hear the words “light” and “sound” the image of a dazzling play on Broadway may come to mind. You might not think of combining them with tiny organic particles (nanopa...

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  • Completed
    Blood Cancers

    Molecular correlates of treatment failure in lymphoid cancers

    BC Cancer Agency investigator and TFRI-funded researcher Dr. Randy Gascoyne, research director at the BC Cancer Agency’s Centre for Lymphoid Cancer (CLC), talks about his work in lymphoma, the f...

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  • Completed
    Prostate Cancer

    A pan-Canadian initiative for the development of a biomarker-driven approach to the management of prostate cancer

    A collection of more than 2,000 tumour samples. Over a dozen Canadian researchers. Four provinces. These are just some of the numbers behind TFRI’s Canadian Prostate Cancer Biomarker Network (CP...

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  • Completed
    Ovarian Cancer

    Are genomic instability and clonal diversity prognostic indicators of high grade serous ovarian cancer?

    Dr. Shah is an assistant professor at the University of British Columbia and a scientist with the BC Cancer Agency in Vancouver. He is studying the question of whether instability and diversity in ova...

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  • Completed

    A personalized oncolytic vaccine: using oncolytic viruses to exploit neo-antigens derived from the tumour mutanome

    Dr. Auer, a surgical oncologist at the Ottawa Hospital and University of Ottawa assistant professor, is developing a personalized vaccine that is combined with a cancerfighting virus. The immune syste...

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  • Completed
    Brain Cancer

    Exploring novel mechanisms of tumor vascularization in malignant brain tumors

    A neurosurgeon and scientist with Toronto’s University Health Network, Dr. Zadeh is studying how cancerous tumours in the brain create their own blood supply and blood vessel network from bone m...

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  • Completed
    Blood Cancers

    Core pathogenic pathways in human leukemia

    Treatment for acute myeloid leukemia (AML), one of the most aggressive forms of leukemia, involves chemotherapy drugs that many patients find difficult to tolerate and long-term survival is low. New t...

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  • Completed
    All Cancers

    Canadian oncolytic virus consortium - I

    In a perfect world, there would be no cancer. And if there were, patients would be able to stimulate their own immune system to destroy tumours with a virus designed to kill only cancerous cells and l...

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  • Completed
    Brain Cancer

    Modeling and therapeutic targeting of the clinical and genetic diversity in glioblastoma multiforme

    Glioblastoma is a deadly brain cancer that currently has no cure, and has lagged behind major treatment advances other cancers have benefited from. But there’s hope: an Alberta-based, TFRI-funde...

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  • Completed
    Brain Cancer

    A novel platform for glioma modeling to accelerate the therapeutic targeting of glioblastoma

    Dr. Jennifer Chan, assistant professor in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Calgary, will receive $397,614 over three years to pursue her research study: “...

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  • Completed
    All Cancers

    The impact of hypoxia on the maturation of extracellular proteins that regulate tumour metabolism and microenvironment

    Dr. Marianne Koritzinsky, University of Toronto assistant professor with academic appointments in the University of Toronto’s Department of Radiation Oncology and Institute of Medical Science, h...

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  • Completed
    Pediatric & Young Adult Cancers

    Exhaustion of tumour-initiating cells by targeting their self-renewal capacity with telomerase inhibitors

    Dr. Uri Tabori’s research focuses on pediatric neural tumours, which are the main cause of death from childhood cancer. He is examining telomerase, an enzyme that is active in small populations ...

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  • Completed
    Breast Cancer

    Epithelial polarity in tumour invasion and metastasis

    Dr. Luke McCaffrey, an assistant professor with McGill University’s Department of Oncology and senior scientist with Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Research Centre, will receive $441,205 ove...

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  • Completed
    Brain Cancer

    The role of Bmi1 in neural stem cell maintenance and brain tumour development

    Dr. Singh, pediatric neurosurgeon and scientist, will receive $450,000 over three years to seek to determine the role of the Bmi1 signaling pathway in brain tumour development and identify molecular e...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Stratifying and targeting pediatric medulloblastoma through genomics

    Neurosurgeon Dr. Michael Taylor and his team used their TFRI-funded research to personalize medicine for children with the most common malignant brain tumour -- medulloblastoma. “We used to thin...

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  • Completed
    All Cancers

    Defining and applying oncometabolism: a team approach in understanding and translating the Warburg effect from oncogenic and tumour suppressing activities

    Eliminating metastatic breast cancer is the aim of a Quebec-based TFRI-funded project led by Dr. William Muller and colleagues at McGill University in Montreal. Around nine out of 10 breast cancer dea...

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  • Completed
    Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer progression

    Significant progress has been made in treating prostate cancer, but survival rates remain low for the most advanced, drug-resistant forms of the disease – a reality the TFRI’s prostate can...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Addressing tumour heterogeneity through identification of sub-group specific ‘shared maintenance genes’ - the right target for each cancer

    Metastasis is the process by which tumour cells leave a tumour to start growing at other locations in the body. While many brain and breast cancers are cured through a combination of surgery and chemo...

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  • Completed
    Blood Cancers

    Flow informatics approaches for the identification of normal and malignant stem cells

    Dr. Ryan Brinkman’s work focuses on developing new methodologies for high throughput bioinformatics to facilitate research that will improve diagnosis and treatment of blood cancers. His project...

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  • Completed
    Lung Cancer

    Circulating microRNA as a lung tumour proxy: determining whether a small RNA species in plasma can be used as an early cancer detection tool

    Over the next three years, Dr. Cathie Garnis’ major focus will be on early detection of lung cancer. Dr. Garnis is examining opportunities to develop simple, cost-effective blood tests to be use...

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  • Completed
    Prostate Cancer

    Defining the role of Lyn kinase in PCa progression to castrate resistance stage

    Through her project, “Defining the role of Lyn kinase in prostate cancer progression to castrate resistance stage,” Dr. Amina Zoubeidi’s ultimate goal is to improve treatment for pat...

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  • Completed
    All Cancers

    Genetic analysis of signaling pathways for vascular development and tumorigenesis

    Blocking blood vessel formation through anti-angiogenic therapy may kill cancerous tumours, but it can also cause potentially deadly side-effects for patients – a dilemma that Dr. Andras Nagy an...

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  • Completed
    Ovarian Cancer

    Canadian ovarian cancer research consortium

    Ovarian cancer is the fifth-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the western world. More than one in four women do not respond to standard first-line chemotherapy treatment — an alarming nu...

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  • Completed
    Multiple Cancers

    Hypoxia in tumours: clinical and experimental studies

    [Note: This project was funded before we started writing up individual stories for projects.] Scientific Summary  The overall hypothesis of our program is that the dynamic nature of the tumour mi...

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  • Completed
    Lung Cancer

    Early detection of lung cancer - a pan-Canadian study

    A Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI)-led study has developed a new clinical risk calculator software that accurately classifies, nine out of ten times, which spots or lesions (nodules) are benign an...

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