Bryan May
In the House of Commons today, Cambridge MP Bryan May congratulated TFRI and its joint pilot project partners -- The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and the BC Cancer Agency -- for their new partnership to accelerate precision medicine. You can listen to his remarks on You Tube. or read them below.
Mr Bryan May, (Cambridge, Liberal) :
Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to bring congratulations and highlight the excellent ongoing work in the fight against cancer.
The Terry Fox Research Institute, the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, and the BC Cancer Agency are starting a pilot project to combine the work of investigators and clinicians. This joint project and framework will provide invaluable insight into how to fight cancer.
This collaboration invests $12 million in four projects: a framework for genomic profiling of cancer patients; optimizing T-cell immunotherapy for ovarian cancer; molecular imaging to improve managing prostate cancer; and building the infrastructure for clinical and genomic data-sharing.
As we work towards a cure, I want to applaud the leadership and collaboration of the Terry Fox Research Institute, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, and the BC Cancer Agency. Thanks, and well done.
Learn more about the pilot project