Dear members of the TFRI research community,
The 2022 Terry Fox Run will take place on Sunday, Sept 18th, and it is my pleasure to invite you once again to register for the run and participate in our annual Terry Fox Run Challenge!
As many of you may know, the TerryFox Run Challenge is a friendly competition among our research teams to determine who can raise the most money for cancer research in a given year. Last year, TFRI-funded researchers met this challenge head on, raising nearly $125,000 and shattering our previous record of $121,000! My sincere thanks to each of you who made this possible. A special shout-out goes to the Vancouver Prostate Centre team, which raised $22,460 for cancer research and won the challenge, and to the COVCo team, which raised $21,726, and came in a close second.
To register your research team for the 2022 TerryFox Run and join the challenge, please have one of your team members visit the team sign up page on the Terry Fox Foundation website and complete the process. To help identify TFRI research teams, please give your team name as “TFRI - <team name>”. Then, share your team’s name with potential team members, and ask them to register, join, and start fundraising!
Barring any unforeseen circumstances, community runs will be back in person this year, which means that teams will be able to get together on run day and be a part of a larger community effort to make Terry’s dream of a world without cancer a reality. In this context, we encourage you to purchase a purple run t-shirt which signifies you are a funded cancer researcher. These t-shirts ensure that TFRI-funded researchers are clearly visible on run day, providing hope to cancer survivors and reminding the general public that cancer research is Terry’s cause. This year’s purple t-shirts feature a design by Doug Coupland and are available to order through the Terry Fox Foundation’s website.
As we slowly emerge from the worst parts of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are excited to take this opportunity to show Canadians, cancer patients, and the entire world that we are the #TeamCanadaOfCancerResearch. I hope you will consider registering for the run, fundraising for the TerryFox Foundation and joining our Run Challenge. As Terry said back in 1980, it is up to us to keep the Marathon of Hope going, and we look for forward to doing this together.
Thank you, and we hope to see you in person and virtually for this year’s run!
With Best Wishes,
Jim Woodgett, PhD
TFRI President and Scientific Director